Hi Mates,
Today, 20th June, commonly known as Yellow Day, is the happiest day of the year. But, is it really so? And how come?
Yellow Day has arrived, the happiest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere! People who live there, which includes Europe, North America, Central America, almost all of Asia, part of Africa, and the northern part of South America, live the longest day and the shortest night.
But, what is the origin of this day? The answer to this question comes from a group of meteorologists, together with some psychologists, who decided that 20th June was the happiest day on the entire calendar and named it Yellow Day. I am sure, you expected something deeper, so do I. Although, it is also fair to say that, it makes sense due to the reasons that support so much optimism.
Firstly, rising temperatures. If we study the different seasons of the year, we can see that the human being goes through the same cycles. That is to say; spring is the birth, summer the fullness, autumn the decline and winter the death. That is the first clue. And all of this together with we have more hours of daylight per day, due to the summer solstice. We should not forget, this day has always been celebrated by many cultures throughout the world. Monuments such as Stonehenge in England, karnak in Egypt or Chankillo in Peru show that, for more than 5,000 years, its inhabitants celebrated the signal of the arrival of the change of season. In addition, light has a great effect on humans by activating serotonin, known as the happiness hormone.
Secondly, the proximity of the holidays. The long awaited summer holidays which officially says goodbye to the cold and the boring winter. This day marks the beginning of summer vacations for students. With schools and colleges closing down for an extended period, kids can finally enjoy their freedom and indulge in their favorite activities like swimming, camping, hiking, or simply lounging around outdoors with family and friends.
Finally, aspects such as extra pay or shorter working time. Because, having more money and more free time, obviously, helps to increase levels of happiness and professional satisfaction; which directly affects our mood.
But then, which is the saddest day of the year? According to Cliff Arnall, a renowned psychologist, the Third Monday of January, known as Blue Monday. But we are not here to talk about it.
By the way, Do you know what are the happiest countries in the world? Well, according to the Global Happiness Report, which is an annual publication that measures happiness in more than 150 countries, Finland is the happiest place and it has been for the sixth year in a row. But other countries such as UK, the 19th, or Spain, the 32nd, or Afghanistan, the last one.
And, how to celebrate Yellow Day? On this special day, you choose how and with whom you want to celebrate it. For the lucky ones, a getaway to the beach to feel the sun and the sound of the waves. But if you do not live near a fantastic beach, you could enjoy a good movie at the cinema or at home, or prepare a good meal and share a special evening with family and friends. Yellow Day is a wonderful opportunity to share time with your loved ones and spread happiness around.
The significance of sharing time on Yellow Day is more than just spending time together. It’s about cherishing each moment and appreciating the bond between you and your dear ones. Maybe wearing yellow clothing or accessories to celebrate the season of love, cheerfulness, and hope. The bright color symbolizes optimism, positivity and makes us feel energized for the coming festivities. From yellow dresses to yellow shoes or even just a simple yellow scarf, people get creative with their outfits on this day!
Celebrating Yellow Day may just be what you need to uplift your mood and spread some cheer around you.
Try it!!

This article is dedicated to my dear son, who gave me one of the best “Yellow Days” of my whole life, exactly 20 years ago.
Happy Birthday!!